Thursday, December 20, 2012

Row Row Row Your Boat

500M Row
300M Row
100M Row

1 Minute break between each

WOD- 4Rds
250M Row
25 Sit-Ups
25 Grasshoppers

Wednesdays Benchmark WOD

Hero WOD Morrison
Wall Ball
Box Jumps

Friday, December 14, 2012

Team Saturday...Let's Throw Some Weight

Teams of 2

400m Run
400m Run
Push Press
400m Run
400m Run
Front Squat

In the teams of 2, one person will be running outside. While the partner is running outside, the other will be performing the reps inside on a bar. Rx weights will be 95/65 but scaling may be needed for some people. If there enough bars, you can set up two bars for the group. SAME WEIGHT for all movements. If you cannot cant push press 65 but they can clean it, they must use a lighter weight in which they can perform all movements.

Loving every minute of Boston but I miss my CrossFitters! Keep working hard, I will be back with some new crazy tricks and WOD's for you all.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Remember When Leahy Cheated During Fran??

Warm- Up
Junk Yard Dog
100 Double Under or Double Under attempts

2 Minute Tests
Box Jumps & Push-Ups

WOD-  10 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Thrusters- 95/65
10 Box Jumps- 24/20"

Mechanics Before Intensity but...INTENSITY IS KEY

Warm- Up
Junk Yard Dog
100 Double Under or Double Under attempts

2 Minute Tests
Burpees & Pull-Ups

WOD- 5- 3 Minute Rds of:
4 Burpees
8 Balls Slams
12 Squats

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fight Gone Bad

Wall Ball
Box Jumps
Push Press

1 minute at each station. At the end of all 5 you get a 1 minute break. Repeat 3 times.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How About Some Legs?

Pre-Game- 7X3 of
Back Squat with chains and/or kettlebells.

WOD- 12 Minute AMRAP
15 Back Squats @ 135/95
5 PVC Shoot Thru's

Post WOD
Quad and Hip Mobility

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chip Away!


2 Rounds of:
20 Dead Bugs
20 Iron Crosses
20 Push-Ups
20 Squats

WOD- 1 Round for time of:

10 Deadlift- 225/155
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps- 24/20
40 KBS- 70/44
50 Double Unders
40 KBS- 70/44
30 Box Jumps- 24/20
20 Pull-Ups
10 Deadlift- 225/155

Cash Out

50 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups Unbroken or 3 Sets of 15 GHD Sit-Ups

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tabata Everything 12/7/2012

Movements will be a surprise for your class. Tabata is an interval system where you work for 20 seconds than rest for 10 seconds. You perform the SAME movement for 8 rounds than rotate to the next movement and do the same thing.

Snatch and Overhead Squats


Drill technique of OHS and Snatch. Teach proper mobility for WOD

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Clean That Sh*T

Establish a 1 Rep Max Power, Hang, Or Squat Clean

Technique work for those uncomfortable/unfamiliar with heavy Cleans

After establishing 1 Rep Max, if any tine remains, perform as many wall balls possibly with remainder of class.

Monday 12/3/12

GI Jane
100 Burpee Pull-Ups

Post WOD
3 rounds of 15 GHD Back Ext

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Team WOD

Teams of 6- 30 Minute AMRAP

450 Box Jumps- 24/20"
450 Jump Overs (partner in pushup position. other partner jumps over body)
450 Hand Release Push-ups

3 people will work at once. The amount of reps to be performed per set are 15, no more and no less. Each athlete will perform a total of 75 reps for each movement. While 3 people are working on their reps, the other 3 must each perform ball slams while waiting for their turn to perform their 15 reps. 30lb ball for malls 20 for females. If you have heavier, please go heavier, 40/25. When you get to partner jumps, all 6 people will work at once. The ball slams will be performed during the box jumps and HRPU while waiting for reps. Enjoy!!